Mere Human

Honestly you're so pathetic,
The way that you wriggle and writhe.
No one would think you're an adult,
At least you can't tell from your size.

You see you're not like us humans,
Who have to behave in set ways.
You're free to do what you want,
And get away with being lazy all day.

Your bed is wherever you decide it to be,
With no regard for whatever we say.
So we end up not bothering to say anything,
And let you get on with your day.

You're around when you want to be pampered,
And hide when you want to be alone.
Other times we don't know where you are,
It's like you're not even at home.

That is probably because you're out,
Digging in the neighbours border.
Marking your territory with one paw,
Filling in the hole with the other.

But when you want feeding you return,
With a high pitched meow and squeal.
Oh look it's only half hour late,
Just stop making such a big deal.

Okay you are the most important,
Life form in the household and that's that.
But we are only mere humans,
It is you who are the cat.

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