
The last page prints I straighten the pile,
Of the pages that make up my book.
All I need now is a publisher,
But where on earth do I look.

The library was of great assistance,
They've given me loads to read.
At last I have found a publisher,
But will they or won't they accept me.

Off it goes in the first class mail,
I wonder will I get a reply.
But by the seventh week I've given up,
I'm so unhappy I could cry.

From extreme sadness to joyous elation,
A reply I have received in the mail.
They would like me to sign the enclosed contract,
And to publish my work without fail.

A year and a half later its finally published,
It was only meant to take 9 months.
Still at least we got there in the end,
But then I return to the grumps.

The big boys won't even consider me,
Until I've had smaller reviews,
But how will they ever get to hear of me,
I'm not even in the local news.

What a vicious circle its turning out to be,
Where no-one wants to read my stuff.
Just what does it take to get noticed,
Its enough to make you give up.

But no I'm going to be tougher than that,
At least I have faith in me.
So I'll keep churning out the words,
I'll make it one day you'll see.

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