The Rough with the Smooth

Its no fun it really isn't,
No matter what anyone might say.
You'll be ignored one moment,
Then they suddenly want to play.

Dragging you around getting you dirty,
Pulling on your legs and your ears.
Thrown down the stairs and back up again,
If I could cry I'd shed tears.

But then on the other hand I am loved,
And get taken to bed every night.
There's a heart of gold in there somewhere,
Even if it does give me a fright.

She calls me her darling and tucks me up,
In a part of the bed all my own,
But find I am rudely awoken,
Knocked out of bed by an elbow.

But in the morning I'll be brushed off,
With kiss on my nose right there.
I know to accept the rough with the smooth,
But then I am a teddy bear.

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