Thank you for visiting this page, as it contains what we know so far about our family history. Its amazing how the internet is making it so easy for relations, no matter how distant, to track each other down. You can use one of the search engines to do a search, a few links appear and next thing you know, you’re in contact. That’s not an easy thing to do without the internet! I was originally contacted by someone in Canada on the internet, who then gave me the email address of another ‘Wassell’ who lived in Redhill, ironically, the town in which I live. Maureen Frost who has been tracing her ‘Wassell’ ancestors for twenty years has created quite a database of information and was kind enough to help me trace my relatives. Thank you to Maureen and Alan Frost for their time, effort and resources in producing the wealth of information that they have been able to. We can trace our ancestors back twelve generations to 1575. If your name is Wassell or have Wassell ancestors and you believe we may be related, or you wish to see if Maureen has information relating to your Wassell descendants in her database then let me know. Private Samuel Wassall VC is the brave soldier who won his Victoria Cross for saving the life of Private Westwood at the battle of Islandhlwana during the Zulu Wars. Maureen and Alan Frost, have provided me with a wealth of information relating to his life and brave act. How am I related to Samuel Wassall? To trace Samuel Wassall’s line you need to go back eight generations to John Wassell (baptised 1711 at Old Swinford) who married Elizabeth Colerake. (see Tree). My line descends from their son Thomas who married Elizabeth Pardon, whereas Samuel’s line descends from their son Richard who married Hannah Pardon. Dr Corydon M Wassell From where does the name Wassell originate? There is no exact information as to where the name Wassell originates. It is believed that the name WASSELL is of Scandinavian origin, and was derived from ‘wassailing’ (as in, ‘here we come a wassailing’) or Was-Sails (not sure of correct spelling) the names of the sails on the viking ships. They landed in the north of England and have over time moved southwards. How am I related to Dr Corydon M Wassell? John Wassell (born 1681) who married Elizabeth Russen in 1704 had a younger brother, Joseph Wassell (born 1683) who married Eleanor Scriven in 1710. It is from this line that Dr Wassell is descended.